Sunday, February 23, 2014

Issue Two Production Post—Ready For Liftoff

While I was away I finished Issue Two! I seem to be making a bad habit of forgetting to post every month as I had been, so forgive me for that. But work has been steady on the latest Maya adventure, leaving me just the cover to design and the interior credits, etc. to edit. Having put myself through the gauntlet of Issue One, much of the post-production and individual page editing for Issue Two has been quite easier, as I didn't have to recreate the wheel this time around.

And speaking of Issue One, Maya and the Outer Reaches, six weeks ago I uploaded to ComiXology the digital files for their submission process. The waiting period is lengthy, often a few months (and five months for one creator I came across online) so it will still be some time before I can announce it's on sale. I'm crossing my fingers that I receive that email soon!

And returning to Issue Two, I'm very pleased with the beta version; my reader over at Crow Greetings will be sure to give her very best critique. I'm happy to be well on the way to its release so soon before Issue One makes into the world.

I'll leave you with a few teasers and news that preproduction work on Issue Three has begun....

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